Director: Grigoriou Panagiotis


Deputy Director: Marangudakis Manousos




The M.A. Program explores the relationship and the tensions between social-cultural practices of civil societies and formal democratic institutions both in Europe and in adjacent Mediterranean countries on Europe’s southern and eastern peripheries in terms of national identities, social movements, democratization processes, political representation, religion and modernization.

Exploring the European and Euro-Mediterranean social constellations as dynamic processes, it is particularly keen to bring together students, lecturers and researchers from neighboring countries to explore the aforementioned factors that shape our future, and to suggest possible routes to inter-cultural understanding and institutional integration.

The MA program is research-oriented, encouraging its students to become involved in original research based on primary or secondary data analysis, leading to publication of their research in international journals. Currently, our students are all involved in processing and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data on civil consciousness in a project funded by the Hellenic Observatory of the London School of Economics.

Acceptance criteria: The MA program accepts students with degrees in Sociology, Law, Economics, Politics or other relevant social sciences either from Greek or accredited universities abroad. It also takes into account extra-curricular civil activities and initiatives such as participation in NGOs, voluntary activities, civil action, community work, and other life-long learning experience.

Course specifications: Two (2) full time teaching semesters, plus a third semester committed to the completion of the MA Thesis. Students choose four out of five available modules per semester, 7,5 ECTS/module. 30 ECTS units are allocated to the MA Thesis. In all, students obtain 90 ECTS units through the completion of the MA program. Course specifications are subject to change according to the number of students, and the availability of the external collaborators.

Language: Greek.

Conditions of enrolment: (a) Previous B.A. or M.A. studies in subjects relevant to the M.A. Program; (b) Recommendation letters; (c) Research and study interests; (d) Interview competence (presentation skills, argumentation); (e) Knowledge of research methods, computer skills, etc; (f) foreign languages.

The dates for submitting applications are set out in the call for applications.

Tuition fees: 1500 €.

Employability: Occupational arenas within the European Union and affiliated national and international institutions, as well as in public administration (local, regional, national, European and international), in private enterprises operating in Europe and worldwide, in Europe-oriented social organisations as well as in the intermediate sector, e.g. in political parties, foundations, and non-governmental organisations. Furthermore, there are employment possibilities at universities, university-level institutions and academic research institutions.

Academic Year 2024 - 2025

Semester 1 [Winter Semester]


Comparative European Sociology / Code: 183-51-13

Category: Mandatory / Teaching Credits: 3 / ECTS: 7,5 / Lecturer: Marangudakis Manussos / Course Outline


European Public Opinion and European Cohesion Policy / Code: 183-53-13

Category: Mandatory / Teaching Credits: 3 / ECTS: 7,5 / Lecturer: Kouroutzas Christos, Korres Giorogs, Kritikos Alekos & Papakostas Antonis / Course Outline


Introduction to EU Law [European Module Jean Monnet] / Code: 183-54-17

Category: Mandatory / Teaching Credits: 3 / ECTS: 7,5 / Lecturer: Grigoriou Panagiotis & Vlachou Evangelia / Course Outline


European Policies Regarding Employment and Social Protection / Code: 183-56-13

Category: Mandatory / Teaching Credits: 3 / ECTS: 7,5 / Lecturer: Nagopoulos NikolaosCourse Outline


Semester 2 [Spring Semester]


Human Rights in Europe [European Module Jean Monnet] / Code: 183-55-17

Category: Mandatory / Teaching Credits: 3 / ECTS: 7,5 / Lecturer: Grigoriou PanagiotisCourse Outline


European Identities and European Cultural Standards / Code: 183-58-13

Category: Mandatory / Teaching Credits: 3 / ECTS: 7,5 / Lecturer: Marangudakis ManussosCourse Outline


European Public Law and Public Policies / Code: 183-62-19

Category: Mandatory / Teaching Credits: 3 / ECTS: 7,5 / Lecturer: Vlachou Evangelia / Course Outline


European Migration Policies / Code: 183-63-19

Category: Mandatory / Teaching Credits: 3 / ECTS: 7,5 / Lecturer: Nagopoulos Nikolaos / Course Outline


Semester 3


Master Thesis (Post-Graduate Dissertation) / Code: 183-59-13

Teaching Credits: 15 / ECTS: 30



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