Department of Sociology

School of Social Sciences

University Hill, 81 132 Mytilene, Lesvos, Greece

Tel.: (+30) 22510 36500

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Department Head

Tel.: (+30) 22510 36501

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Tel.: (+30) 22510 36502

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M.Sc. Secretariat

"Social Research on Regional Development and Social Cohesion"

Tel.: (+30) 22510 36331, (+30) 22510 36504

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M.Sc. Secretariat

"European Societies and European Integration"

Tel.: (+30) 22510 36572

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M.Sc. Secretariat

"Applied - Clinical Sociology and Arts"

Tel.: (+30) 22510 36525

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M.Sc. Secretariat

"Management of Migratory and Refugee Flows in Europe"

Tel.: (+30) 22510 36504, (+30) 22510 36525

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Student's Union

Tel.: (+30) 22510 36591

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Office Workshop

Τηλ.: (+30) 22510 36545

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Network Operation Center

Tel.: (+30) 22510 36566

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PC Laboratory

Tel.: (+30) 22510 36549


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